Invasive Klebsiella syndrome with coexisting fungal endophthalmitis
ABSTRACT Endogenous endophthalmitis accounts for approximately 5 – 10% of all endophthalmitis cases. We report a case of a middle-aged gentleman with underlying uncontrolled diabetes mellitus who presented with fever and generalised body weakness for one week. He was diagnosed…
A case of atrial septal defect presenting with recurrent syncope
ABSTRACT Atrial septal defect (ASD) is a congenital heart disease often encountered in the adult population, as it is frequently asymptomatic in childhood. In untreated patients with ASD, some may go on to develop complications such as atrial arrythmias, pulmonary…
Effectiveness of simple interventions to remind eye doctors to educate glaucoma patients about the dangers of driving
ABSTRACT Purpose: A clinical audit to establish whether eye doctors achieve the benchmark in reminding glaucoma patients about the dangers of driving. After introducing two simple interventions, a follow-up audit was performed.Methodology: Initially, we interviewed 85 patients with established glaucoma…
Gender disparity in the prescription of secondary prevention medications in a Malaysian primary care clinic
ABSTRACT Introduction: Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. Despite the proven benefit of secondary prevention medications (SPMs), their utilisation remains suboptimal in many countries. This study aimed to assess the use of SPMs in a Malaysian primary…
Clinical audit of management of smear positive adult pulmonary tuberculosis in PR1 tuberculosis clinic, KK Bandar Miri
ABSTRACT Introduction: Malaysian tuberculosis (TB) clinical practice guideline (CPG) standardises the management of TB to improve the quality of care for TB patients. Not all primary care providers adhere to this guideline, however. This audit aims to improve the management…
Factors associated with improper metered-dose inhaler technique among adults with asthma in a primary care clinic in Malaysia
ABSTRACT Introduction: Metered-dose inhalers (MDI) are the most used inhalers worldwide. However, improper MDI techniques remain a significant problem and cause uncontrolled asthma. Studies worldwide have reported that the causes of inefficient inhaler technique are multifactorial. However, this topic has…
Diagnosis of Ankylosing Spondylitis: Do not let the spine bites the eye
ABSTRACT Background: A diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is challenging and often delayed despitebpatients being symptomatic. Low back pain is the most common initial symptom, appearing in the second and third decades of life. Acute anterior uveitis (AAU) occurs much…
Screen-based media and young children: Review and recommendations
ABSTRACT Early childhood development is influenced by a child’s environmental experiences. The qualities of surrounding in which a child lives, grows up and learns are key for attaining their milestones. Increased availability of screen-based media in families leads to excessive…
The role of social media in primary care
ABSTRACT Online activities have become the norm. From searching for new information to conducting business meetings, social media’s role in daily life continues to grow in prominence. It is estimated that the majority of the population uses social media, and…