If SARS-CoV-2 vaccination is blamed for Parsonage–Turner syndrome, neurosurgical neurolysis is not indicated
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ABSTRACT Introduction: The prevalence of visual impairment and ocular diseases changes over time. This measure can help general practitioners in anticipating common eye disorders that may require ophthalmological referrals to government hospitals. This study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of…
ABSTRACT Scurvy, a condition caused by vitamin C deficiency, is characterized by a syndrome of multisystem disorder due to defective collagen production and antioxidative function. This condition is infrequent in this modern era; thus, it is often not within the…
ABSTRACT Introduction: Tuberculosis (TB) contacts in Malaysia undergo follow-up screening to reduce their risk of active or latent TB. However, adherence to this screening is low. Limited studies have explored the factors contributing to non-adherence to follow-up screening. This study…
ABSTRACT Introduction: Understanding the patterns of utilisation of primary health services can help to improve service delivery and utilisation, thereby reducing common morbidities in the community. The study aimed to assess the patterns of utilisation of services provided at an…
ABSTRACT Introduction: Optimal self-care promotes glycaemic control and prevents diabetes complications. Its performance is facilitated by an adequate level of diabetes knowledge. This review aimed to evaluate diabetes knowledge among Malaysians by assessing diabetes knowledge scores and their associated factors.Methods:…
ABSTRACT Introduction: Learning disabilities can cause poor academic performance in children, which may impact their futures. This study aimed to investigate how primary caregivers care for school-aged children with learning disabilities but with good academic achievement.Methods: In this qualitative study,…
ABSTRACT Benign renal lesions are relatively rare. Angiomyolipoma (AML) is the most commonly encountered benign renal lesion. One of the complications of AML is rupture, which results in retroperitoneal haemorrhage with a mortality rate of up to 20%. Pregnancy poses…
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