ABSTRACT Introduction: Adult caregivers (ACGs) are largely responsible for caring for their family members, which can increase their stress levels. This increased stress makes them more susceptible to chronic illnesses. The adoption of health-promoting behaviours, particularly through mindfulness-based behavioural education…
ABSTRACT Introduction: Vaccine hesitancy was declared as one of the ten threats to global public health by the World Health Organization in 2019. It undermines the effort towards eradication of vaccine-preventable diseases. Healthcare providers, who are directly involved in vaccination…
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ABSTRACT Introduction: The hands are the most common site of disability in leprosy. Hand dysfunction could result in difficulty performing activities of daily living. Therefore, hand function should be regularly assessed to ensure that any decrease in hand function could…
ABSTRACT Buccal lichenoid lesions (BLLs) are characterised by a unique, linear whitish striation in the buccal region and can be accompanied by ulcers, plaques, erythemas, atrophies and blisters. They are distinguished from oral lichen planus (OLP) by the association of…
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ABSTRACT Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has caused many countries to turn to web-based solutions. The Home Assessment Tool (HAT) is a web-based system using the MySejahtera application developed by the government. It serves as a communication platform for patients with…
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ABSTRACT Introduction: Primary care doctors (PCDs) play an increasingly important role in the management of hepatitis C. It is essential for PCDs to have good self-efficacy in screening and treating hepatitis C to achieve good outcomes. This study aimed to…